The problem of increased wear of railway rails on curves, turnout blades and wheelsets in locomotives and carriages is a common problem in railways. Every owner of the railway infrastructure knows it and is well aware of the enormity of costs that are consumed by frequent but necessary repairs of these elements of the railway infrastructure.

RailTech Papla from Bielsko-Biała solves this problem and shows how to easily save money spent on:

  • surfacing, turning and replacement of rails
  • rolling and replacement of wheelsets
  • hardfacing and replacement of turnout blades,


  • how to eliminate the tiresome squeaking and scraping noise of the rolling stock overcoming the curves
  • how to reduce traction energy consumption
  • how to reduce the risk of rolling stock derailment related to the phenomenon of wheel climbing on the side of the rail.

The mechanical, maintenance-free, track-side lubrication system for rail rails on curves consists of a lubricating device from the British company QHi Rail cooperating with a specialized lubricant from the American company Whitmore’s.

The device realizing the above-mentioned benefits is a maintenance-free, mechanical trackside lubricator of the British company QHi Rail, of which RailTech Papla Spółka z o.o. is the exclusive representative for Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.

It is a completely mechanical device with a very simple structure, it does not require an external source of energy in the form of an electric cable or a compressed gas cylinder. The device is driven by the kinetic energy of the passing rolling stock. The injection of lubricant is initiated by the passage of each axis of the rail vehicle through the device. The system does not have any electrical, electronic or pneumatic components, thanks to which:

  • is fault-free
  • is virtually maintenance free
  • does not disrupt signaling
  • is very cheap to run.

QHi Rail lubrication system & amp; Whitmore’s is constructed in such a way that the lubricant is discharged onto the inner vertical surface of the rail head when the pump pusher is pressed by the rail vehicle wheel. From there, it is picked up by the flanges of the wheels.

At the moment when the rolling stock passes the curve or turnout, the centrifugal force pushes it outwards, causing the friction of the wheel rim against the inner part of the rail head or the turnout needle. Thanks to the lubrication system, the flange of the wheel contacts the rail through the grease, preventing:

  • wear of wheels, rails and blades,
  • wheel climbing on the rail which creates a risk of derailment
  • generating noise pollution
  • and reducing traction energy consumption

The system therefore protects the infrastructure and improves safety in a comprehensive manner.
The flanges of the wheels do not leave grease where it is not needed, i.e. on straight sections of the track, so you can minimize its wear.
The grease does not get to the top of the rail head, so it does not affect the acceleration and braking of the rolling stock.

Do you have any more questions?

If you have not found the answer to your question, please contact us.

As the sole distributor in Poland of devices manufactured by the British company QHi , we installed three QHi Lubricurve PD 50 lubricators on the lines in Jamnica and Tuchów at the Railway Lines Plant in Nowy Sącz in January 2008. After the end of the observed operation We obtained positive opinions on the safety of the system and the impact on reducing rail wear in the arc, issued by the Cracow University of Technology.

QHi Rail devices have been successfully operating in various countries around the world for a long time. Over twelve thousand of the most diverse QHi Rail products are installed in the UK alone. Even the manufacturer of railway rails – the Czech Huta Tryniec has our lubricators installed on its siding.

According to the research carried out in Poland, both laboratory and field tests carried out in cooperation with the PKP PLK Railway Roads Office, a notified body such as the Krakow University of Technology, supported by extensive experience in the operation of the system, both in Poland and in Western countries, the effectiveness of the solution has been confirmed , giving enormous savings by extending the service life of rails, turnout blades and rolling stock wheelsets up to TEN TIMES!

Moreover, in the opinion of one of the largest carriers in the country (which has its sidings, among others, in the areas of copper plants) – the use of our system has inhibited (eliminated) the phenomenon of wear of rails in bends.

The references obtained from managers of railway lines in England, the USA, Canada, Norway and other countries allow us to guarantee failure-free and maintenance-free operation of the equipment and the effectiveness of the American Whitmore’s lubricant, which is, according to the obtained opinions, a component of the lubrication system. Whitmore’s grease is biodegradable and has no harmful effect on the environment, while offering excellent results and cost savings.

Whitmore’s grease is biodegradable and has no harmful effect on the environment, while offering excellent results and cost savings. In addition, the assembly and disassembly of the device does not require any machining or additional rails, so the assembly is possible without stopping traffic on the track and takes up to two hours.

Laboratory and field tests have proved that in the event of an incidental situation (interference with the matter of the system by unauthorized persons), when the lubricant gets to the upper part of the rail head, the character of acceleration and braking is the same as on a wet rail (after rainfall).

The RTP company guarantees that the rail arches will be lubricated at least 2.5 km from the place where the lubricator is installed. During the observed operation, we found the presence of grease up to 7 km from the place where the grease gun was installed.

Its main advantages are:

  • certified biodegradability
  • scientifically and experimentally supported guarantee of safety during use
  • minimal variation of dynamic viscosity value changes as a function of (ambient) temperature
  • scientifically and experimentally proven impact on reducing environmental pollution with noise generated by rolling stock passing curves
  • the grease remains on the track as an oil film, not an oily film, preventing dirt from sticking to the rail
  • to reduce the risk of rolling stock derailment.

Our system is approved by:

  • Office of Rail Transport
  • Department of the Department of Rail Transport, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology
  • Railway Roads Office of the Polish State Railways
  • Rolling Stock Offices of PKP CARGO S.A.

Installation list

At the moment, we have hundreds of installations in the country and abroad on railway routes and on industrial sidings. In Poland, we have installations in almost every PKP PLK Railway Lines Plant. We also have many, inter alia, at least several installations on industrial sidings of such plants as:

  1. Lotos Kolej
  2. Orlen Koltrans
  3. Arcelor Mittal
  4. Pol-Miedź Trans
  5. Polska Grupa Energetyczna
  6. Polski Koncern Węglowy
  7. Polski Koncern Energetyczny
  8. Kolprem
  9. Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa
  10. PKP LHS
  11. Grupa Azoty
  12. Metro Warszawskie
  13. ENEA Wytwarzanie
  14. Energa SA
  15. GDF Suez
  16. Dalkia Polska
  17. PCC Intermodal
  18. DSDiK
  19. Transchem
  20. CMC Zawiercie
  21. Siarkopol SA
  22. ZiK Sandomierz
  23. MZK Toruńskich
  24. Budimex
  25. Pomorska Kolej Metropolitalna
  26. Szybka Kolej Miejska w Trójmieście

We have built-in lubrication devices in the Warsaw Metro tunnel, which proves that our system meets the highest safety standards.
Not now, in Poland and abroad, all our clients are satisfied with our solutions and their service. We strongly encourage you to exchange views on our systems with Infrastructure Managers equipped with our solutions and we invite you to contact us to organize a meeting during which you will be able to see how our system works in practice.

I am happy to answer all your questions and invite you to cooperation.


M E T R O W A R S Z A W S K I E – P O Ś W I A D C Z E N I E
CMC Zawiercie – Referencje
Charakterystyka Smaru
DSDiK – Potwierdzenie
ENEA Wytwarzanie – Opinia
Grupa Azoty – Koltar – Referencje
Katalog poglądowy
Karta charakterystyki smaru Whitmores’s Biorail
Kompania Piwowarska – Browar Tyski – Referencje
Kolej w Szklarskiej Porębie – Publikacja
Kolprem – Referencje
LOTOS Kolej Czechowicze-dziedzice – Opinia
LOTOS Kolej Gdańsk – Referencje
Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka – Referencje
Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji w Toruniu – Referencie
Ogólne informacje o produkcie
Ogólne informacje o smarze Whitmore’s Biorail
Opinia o systemie smarownia – Politechnika Krakowska
Opinia o systemie smarownia – Politechnika Krakowska – załączniki
Opinia Politechniki Krakowskiej dotycząca Sterowania Ruchem Kolejowym
Operator Logistyczny paliw Płynnych – Opinia
Orlen Koltrans – Opinia
Polska Grupa Energetyczna EC Bydgoszcz – Potwierdzenie
Polska Grupa Energetyczna Elektrowia Turów – Potwierdzenie
Polska Grupa Energetyczna EC Lublin – Potwierdzenie
PKP PLK Biuro Dróg Kolejowych – Opinia
PKP Cargotor – Referencje
PKP Cargo – Opinia
PKP Intercity – Opinia
PKP PLK Zakład Linii Kolejowych w Częstochowie – Opinia
PKP PLK Zakład Linii Kolejowych w Krakowie – Referencje
PKP PLK ZakładLinii Kolejowych w Nowym Sączu – Referencje
PKP PLK Zakład Linii Kolejowych w Rzeszowie – Referencje
PKP PLK Zakład Linii Kolejowych w Wałbrzychu – Referencje
PKP PLK Dopuszczenie do stosowania na liniach kolejowych
Pol-Miedź Trans – Opinia
Protokół oznacznia Biodegradacji smaru Whitmore’s Biorail
Pol-Miedź Trans – Opinia
Pol-Miedź Trans – Publikacja
Publikacja – Infrastruktura – Elamed
Spedkoks – Opinia
Smar Whitmore’s Biorail – Dane Techniczne
Smar Whitmores’s Biorail – Karta Bezpieczeństwa
Sistema Poland – Referencje
Tauron Wytwarzanie Łagisza – Opinia
Tauron Wydobycie – Kopalnia Janina – Publikacja 1
Tauron Wydobycie – Kopalnia Janina – Publikacja 2
Tramwaje w Ostravie – Referencje
Urząd Transportu Kolejowego – Opinia
Zakład Inżynierii Kolejowej – Potwierdzenie